Trent Road, Bulkington

A new residential development proposal on vacant County owned land in the centre of Bulkington

The site comprises an area of approximately 1ha and will deliver up to 30 new two, three, and four bedroom houses alongside policy compliant affordable to meet local housing needs.

The site comprises an area of approximately 1ha and can deliver up to 30 new one, two, three and four bedroom homes, including policy compliant affordable, to meet local housing needs.

An Outline planning application, with detail of the proposed access, has been submitted to Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council (NBBC) and was validated on 8th May 2024 (ref: 040257).

A community consultation event took place in February at Bulkington Community Centre to seek local residents’ views on the key principles of the development proposals for the site. To view the information presented at the event please click on Trent Road Community Event Information

WPDG will be commencing the process to select a preferred delivery partner during the Summer, with a view to preparing a Reserved Matters submission to NBBC, following a decision on the Outline application.