Warwickshire Property &
Development Group Limited
Hawkes Point, 1 Hawkes Drive,
Heathcote Industrial Estate,
Royal Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, CV34 6LX
Warwickshire is a great place to live and work and as the population continues to grow so too does the demand for homes and commercial space. This increased demand presents an ideal opportunity to make assets work better whilst providing homes, offices, and other workspace to support economic growth and development.
Warwickshire Property and Development Group (WPDG) was launched by Warwickshire County Council (WCC) to contribute positively to the delivery of its Commercial Plan priorities through delivering new affordable and market priced homes together with a range of commercial and mixed-use opportunities across the county. It will support the county’s economy, by helping to create jobs, and shaping the county as an attractive and desirable place to live and do business, while also providing a financial return for the Council that will enable it to support its priorities through re-investment.
Warwickshire Property and Development Group (WPDG) will deliver sustainable, high quality new homes and new commercial space in the county of Warwickshire and manage the lettings of a portfolio of the Warwickshire County Council (WCC) estate. All profits made will be re-invested within Warwickshire for the benefit of its residents and neighbourhoods across the county.
Warwickshire Property & Development Group (WPDG) has received major recognition for its contribution to unlocking investment in the county just three years after forming and has been named Newcomer of the Year at the Insider West Midlands Property Awards.
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Warwickshire Property and Development Group will drive regeneration schemes across the county, deliver significant new housing in line with local needs, including a mix of affordable housing, as well as promoting low carbon living.
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In addition to residential developments WPDG will also invest to develop new and modern workspace for businesses to encourage the development of jobs alongside new homes in the county.
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WPDG and its joint venture Develop Warwickshire recognise that sustainability is not just an environmental issue, but also a social and economic one. We are focused on reducing the environmental impact of our developments and will look to utilise a number of environmental benchmarks across the schemes we progress. Our homes will feature a variety of eco-friendly facilities, including Air Source Heat Pumps, Photovoltaic Solar panels, on street charging stations for electric vehicles and LED street lighting.
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WPDG is always on the lookout for residential or commercial development opportunities across Warwickshire that fit our values and objectives. We would welcome discussions with landowners and property owners on a confidential basis. If you would like to get in touch, then please drop us a line at info@wpdg.co.uk.
Warwickshire Property & Development Group (WPDG), Warwickshire County Council (WCC) and leading developer Countryside Partnerships have formed a major new joint venture called Develop Warwickshire which will see 2,000 new homes created across the county.
Develop Warwickshire will help bring sites forward for housing over the next 30 years, with three being taken forward for development in 2023/2024.
The partnership with WPDG and the mixed-tenure developer, which will see £2.5 billion of developments completed, is part of the County’s drive to realise the potential of its development sites, commercial buildings, and mineral rights in as sustainable a way as possible, creating homes and jobs for local people.