Warwickshire Property &
Development Group Limited
Hawkes Point, 1 Hawkes Drive,
Heathcote Industrial Estate,
Royal Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, CV34 6LX
Warwickshire Property and Development Group (WPDG) has secured outline planning consent for the delivery of up to 58 new houses and development of up to 65 Extra Care apartments.
WPDG secured Outline planning consent for the delivery of up to 58 new homes and up to 65 Extra Care apartments.
Warwickshire County Council (WCC) secured a resolution to grant planning consent in 2019. WCC signed the Section 106 Agreement, securing Outline planning consent and enabling WPDG to progress delivery of the new homes scheme.
WPDG submitted a Section 73 planning application, to vary the planning conditions of the Outline consent, to aid scheme delivery. This application was granted in May 2024.
A formal tender process, to appoint a preferred delivery partner, is nearing conclusion and the selected delivery partner should be entering into a Pre-Construction Services Agreement in June 2024, prior to a Reserved Matters application being prepared and submitted.
Demolition works will proceed, following the appointment of the delivery partner, during the Summer 2024.