Warwickshire Property &
Development Group Limited
Hawkes Point, 1 Hawkes Drive,
Heathcote Industrial Estate,
Royal Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, CV34 6LX
WPDG’s proposed development is intended to bring a mix of complimentary uses to this growing neighbourhood located along Fusiliers Way between Warwick and Leamington Spa.
The scheme proposed by WPDG will comprise two phases of development:
Phase 1 – will bring forward the delivery of small business units ranging in size from 1,000 sq.ft to 3,500 sq.ft and a larger building of 15,000 sq.ft. These business units will provide a high quality, sustainable and energy efficient environment to support the growth and retention of businesses within the county. There continues to be demand for small units for freehold sale and lease.
A planning application will be submitted to Warwick District Council for phase 1 prior to Christmas 2024 with a view to appointing a contractor partner to start on site by the summer of 2025. It is envisaged that phase 1 construction works will be complete within 9 months of start.
Phase 2 – will look to deliver a local centre which may comprise uses including a convenience store, children’s day nursery, coffee shop and other related uses to support the emerging neighbourhood, providing much needed local amenity and services to the new residents and businesses along Fusiliers Way. More detail around phase 2 will follow in the coming months.
The above scheme proposals are an exciting opportunity to deliver a range of uses, jobs and services to the local community and bring forward vacant public sector land into beneficial use.
The artist impressions below give an idea of how the units could look.